2025 Executive Team Application
TEDxLancaster is back for 2025! Join us in organizing an event for Lancaster.
View the talks, pictures, and more from our events
Click the links below.
TEDxLancaster 2014 TEDxLancaster 2015 TEDxLancaster 2016
TEDxYouth@Lancaster 2017 TEDxLancaster 2018 TEDxYouth@Lancaster 2019
TEDxLancaster 2020 was cancelled due to Covid TEDxLancaster 2021
Welcome to TEDxLancaster
Have you ever heard of TED talks? The TED talks you see online are from the major TED events. A TEDx event is an independently organized TED event that organizers from around the world produce in their home towns. You can get a TED-like experience in Lancaster, PA by attending TEDxLancaster! While watching TED talks online can be inspiring, the real magic happens when you attend a TED or TEDx event. Why? These events bring together like-minded people that want to change the world, or themselves. They connect with one another, share their dreams and goals, and find comfort knowing that there are others just like them. A TEDx event combines live speakers and TED talk videos to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. It exposes attendees to different viewpoints. It inspires, motivates, and educates. It also highlights the great "ideas worth spreading" that are currently taking place right in your own area. Attend TEDxLancaster, or any other TED or TEDx event, and see why attendees say they feel like they've found their "tribe." To learn more about the history of TEDxLancaster, click here.